Sunday, December 22, 2013

Husqvarna TC 610 engine rebuild.

Since the original 570cc 1984 liquid cooled engine was custom built by BKS and never actually produced by Husqvarna an original motor is almost impossible to find.
This is a 2000 TC 610 engine that will have to do.

Engine cases thoroughly cleaned.

New SKF bearings fitted

Athena seal kit(Same as OEM)

New Wiseco piston fitted.

4 speed TC gearbox replaced with a TE 6-speed so the bike won't be limited to the MX track.

Cam chain replaced.

New gasket kit from Athena

All valves replaced with one piece stainless from G&S valves UK.
Valve seats recut by JPM Helsingborg. 

New camshaft bearings fitted

New adjusting screws for the valves.


  1. did you use left main bearing with one side covered?

  2. Yes, otherwise The oil pump Will not work.

  3. Why does the left crank bearing have one side covered, but the right crank bearing (on the igintion side) does not have one side covered?

  4. Hi I have a 2000 410te needs complete clutch
    is there any other clutch that fits this engine as they are getting hard to find

  5. Olá preciso de ajuda tenho uma husqvarna te610 preciso de peça alguém pode me informar algo

  6. Hi, name of carburator and size? Thanks

  7. Hola tengo un husqvarna 610 te y necesito el cigueñal completo ya que no consigo la biela
